What they don’t tell you..
What they don’t tell you
That life is not a dreamland or a perfect scene.
There’ll come days where you’ll be left with a burnt bridge
and no rescue team.
That some days life would look like a dead zone of ugly
things, rough ground and dry weed
That you might lose yourself and all the goodness you’ve had
to keep
That there’ll come a day where your skin will be foreign and
you’ll lose your words to fear
Your voice will constantly choke and nothing will seem so clear
What they don’t tell you
That you won’t survive with a mask you wear
That being a hero is not measured with how much you bear
That the more you be yourself, the least they care
That who you really are, and who’d you want to be don’t
matter anyway
But what they don’t really tell you
That you can survive quicksand
and grow in the muddiest of water
That no matter how long the road is, your destination won’t
be much further
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