For the Record

I talk a lot when being nervous, when being happy. I shut the world out,when being sad and frustrated. I judge from the looks, I hate carelessness. I fake smiles, and overuse honesty! I over think and over react. I never see my beauty; I never knew how to act!  I stumble and fall, while heading towards my goals. I’m stubborn and full of criticism. I might point out your flaws more than your qualities.

However, somewhere beneath all that, I do love and care. I wish the best for whom I love. I smile a lot for whom I ever pass by. I apologize for my mistakes. I try to learn from bad experiences. When I love, I love the most. When I hate, I hate the least! I’ll never hesitate in reaching out for your hand. I’ll always be there whenever I could.

Yes, I do hurt others with my comments and with my bald honesty. But I mean all good :/

and ..

 Yes; I can be someone else; if you think I’m someone that you can’t stand! But would you like me as a fake or would you rather see the real me?!

I can change, for the person I love. But I would rather find the person that loves all my flaws. 


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