Why tears are shed?!

Why not to pain?
Struggles in life are morals to gain
when shedding tears.. why being aware?
Tears are for those whom you care
why ourselves and others we blame?
Years, months, weeks and days aren't the same
Why to bother thinking in what is done?
Thorns do nothing when flowers are gone
Why to special people we get attach?
The sorrow of leaving them eventually will hatch


  1. that's reminding me of a song .. i 've heard be4 ..

    though it's a SONG .. But it has many things we 've 2 know & learn ..

    she says .. "No I'm not breaking" .. & " I gotta be strong" ..

    as MOMMY said .. the LOVE is a big lie .. & I got it with all its meanings ..

    It's a problem when we believe the LOVE & believe in it ..

    whatever 's happening .. I always say .. the life is FINE when we want it 2 be FINE ..
    & when we want it 2 be a hell .. it 'll be a hell ..

    Renna .. ur papers r ur friends .. don't leave them ..

    Keep going .. =)

  2. I wish you the best Miss Renna ...


  4. We can not do love intentionally,
    even we try to fall in love,

    we try to make someone special,
    we try to find someone for our self,

    love happens automatically with someone,

    someone becomes special automatically,
    no one can make it intentionally,

    Sajid Ali

  5. But this is wonderful poem

    Sajid Ali


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